Dear all,
It was another busy week and it was great to see our students enjoying the full-day schooling. Thank you for supporting us by ensuring our students do the rapid antigen tests (RAT) every morning and for recording it daily on the ESF App.
Annual review meetings will take place over two weeks in May. Views of students and families are central to the discussion and ensuring the long term outcomes and IEPs are meaningful and supportive of the aspirations for the students’ future. Same as last year, in preparation for the annual review meetings, our staff are engaging with students in discussions on their interests and aspirations. We want to make sure that their IEPs build on students' strengths and competencies. Please refer to yesterday's App message to find out more about the annual review meetings and to book your appointment with the class teachers and therapists (booking will open on Tuesday 10th of May at 2 pm).
Real partnership between school and families plays a vital role in students’ success. I would like to thank parents for supporting the learning at home and for contributing to the curriculum through the most recent NPDL project. I would like to invite all parents to the Principal Meet-Up on the 30th of May at 5 pm (details below). We want to continue with the co-creation of curriculum and sharing of knowledge to support our students’, your children’s, learning process.
Our staff and students continue to make us proud. We have a very busy term ahead of us and I would like to thank everyone for their positive support and encouragement for what we all do.
Warm regards,
We want to create various opportunities for us to engage families in supporting the learning and contributing to the curriculum to listen to and create mindful engagement with parents.
Please join the next Principal Meet-Up on Monday 30th of May at 5 pm, which offers an opportunity for parents to engage in a personalised, small group session to chat with the Principal, Anna Smakowska and other school leaders on various whole school topics.
The theme for the next session will be student agency (student's voice) in supporting learning. The key questions for this session will be:
What is going well for your child right now in relation to directing and taking responsibility for their learning? What is something you feel proud of?
What should we know about your child to improve the way the student's voice is visible in the learning design?
What feedback do you have for us to build on opportunities for student agency?
The meeting will be on Zoom and will be limited to 15 parents. If you want to attend please sign up on this form.
Target audience: Families of students aged 16 and above but all are welcome.
JCSRS will be hosting an online information session with two external centres: The Rock Foundation and YES: Youth Empowerment Service.
Both centres offer programmes for JCSRS students following graduation.
Please note The Nesbitt Centre - an alternative centre - is currently undergoing renovations and unable to support placements for our students at the current time.
Information session details:
Date and time: Wednesday May 25th, 4.00 - 5.00pm
Venue: Zoom (link will be shared after sign-up)
Please indicate your intentions via this sign-up form.
The student council have been busy since the return to school finalising plans to spend the $35000 raised earlier this year from the Walkathon.
Thanks to the money raised the student council has decided to distribute the funds to:
JCSRS are now the proud owners of a Nintendo Switch - a resource to be shared across the school to support the Play and Leisure Curriculum. Many thanks to Ruby Class teacher Max and our support staff team for their support in setting up the device in order for the student council members to give it a trial run!
Student councilors Aadi and Jessica shared with members their research into Hong Kong charities. Following that councilors took a vote. The decision was unanimous: supporting housing for the HK homeless being a clear winner. JCSRS will donate $28000 to ‘Impact Hong Kong.’ Our support of this charity will continue in the coming school year for future fundraising projects.
Horse Riding
Well done to Alex from Pearl Class, Isabella from Emerald and Kaden from Diamond for completing the Autumn 2021 Term Ride horse riding programme provided by the Riding for the Disabled Association.
Colouring Competition
Damon from Diamond Class has received a Merit Award in the 2021 colouring competition for special needs schools organised by the Committee On Respect Our Teachers Campaign, along with Karen Carmody who received a Certificate of Appreciation as his instructing teacher.
Congratulations to all for their achievements!
ESF will be offering a new round of relief grants to eligible students, and details have been sent to all parents via ESF App and posted at ESF website. For interested parents, please submit your applications via ESF App between 5 and 16 May 2022.