Almost two years after we ordered them, the wall bars in the hall have finally been installed and are ready for use. All classes will be able to access them in PE lessons.
The bars offer a wide variety of uses, including assisted support for squats or balancing, climbing up and down, traversing sideways, hanging, abdominal work, lower and upper body strengthening and much more.
Emerald class were the first to use the bars in PE, developing their upper body strength by pulling on an elastic band attached near the floor. This allowed the students to work their biceps and shoulders.
Look out for more photos of our students utilising the wall bars on Seesaw.
We would like to update you on the Vaccine Pass as each vaccine has different requirements. Please find below the recommendation for Covid-19 vaccination from the Centre for Health Protection (CHP).
In summary, all students will be required to have received three doses of vaccine excluding:
students who have received two doses of vaccine but are still within the time interval waiting for the third dose
students under 12 who are required to receive only two doses of the BioNTech vaccine
students who had a prior Covid-19 infection and are not required to receive the third dose of vaccine
The updated vaccine pass will take effect from:
1st October 2022 for students to be able to participate in after-school and mask-off activities
1st November 2022 to be able to relax lunchtime arrangements (eating in class), EDB requires a 90% vaccination rate for the whole school
How can parents support the school?
Update your son’s/daughter’s vaccination record on ESF App - Sarah VLE, scroll down to Covid-19 Vaccination Pass and tap on the blue coloured HERE at the bottom.
Consider booking your son/daughter in for their next vaccination, if you have not already done so. Once they are vaccinated, update their record on the ESF App as soon as possible.