Full calendar and term dates here.
11-18 September | JCSRS School Council e-voting |
27 September | PTA Annual General Meeting at 5.30 pm (refreshments from 5 pm) |
5 October | Language Meetup |
11 October | Primary Sports Day |
12 October | Secondary Sports Day |
23-27 October | Half-term break |
30 October | Staff training day (CPD); no students at school |
Dear all,
I have to start this newsletter with a story of a united community during the Black Rainstorm and express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you.
Last week, an unprecedented Black Rainstorm resulted in our school being flooded. Despite the challenges, we were able to recover quickly and resume face-to-face learning, thanks to the joint effort of our school team and ESF team, as well as the support of our community. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who played a part in making this recovery possible.
Everyone Engaged -
We owe a big thank you to our Caretaker, Keith and Business Manager, Queenie, for being the first respondents and mobilising teams. The ESF facilities team and contractors did a stellar job in draining the water and working hard to restore all rooms. Our support staff also played a crucial role in cleaning the school and making it safe and ready for students. I also want to thank our teachers, therapists, and EAs for keeping the learning going and preparing classrooms for our students. Finally, I would like to thank our parents for mobilising the community's support.
As you know, on Tuesday I discovered an unwelcome visitor in my office. It turned out I am really scared of snakes. This was a moment when I started to fall apart and needed people around me to prop me up and deal with the snake. It was a timely reminder that we can’t do it all on our own, and we all have different breaking points.
We/I could not have dealt with the flood without you all, and I sincerely appreciate everyone who came together to help us during this challenging time. Together, we were able to overcome this obstacle and continue providing a safe and supportive learning environment for our students.
As you can imagine, the flood recovery efforts continue. We work to reopen the hall and SENsations with temporary flooring, keep drying out all rooms, and redecorate many areas.
On a different note, parents can still participate in the e-ballot for a parent representative at the School Council. Voting will close on Tuesday 19th of September. Thanks so much for your support and participation!
Finally, I hope to see many of you during the PTA AGM on Wednesday, 27th of September. Please come at 5 pm to our Reception where we will serve refreshments. The meeting will be at KGV in the Guilford Lecture Theatre (GLT) at 5.30 pm.
Warm regards,
Part 1: Students enjoy symbolic play
Are they preparing for something?
Part 2: Black Rainstorm in Hong Kong; Our school is flooded
Where are the boats to rescue us?
Part 3: Clear out
What can we keep, and what needs to be thrown away?
Part 4: Lunchtime
Thank you parents and Dough Bros. 😍
Part 5: Visitor taking shelter from floods
There is a snake in Anna’s office!
Part 6: Let's rebuild our school
Building inspection.
Dear Parents,
I am writing to give you notice of the upcoming Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 27th September 5:30 pm in the Guilford Lecture Theatre (GLT) at King George V School. All parents are warmly invited to attend the PTA AGM. The meeting will start at 5.30 pm, but please join us at the Reception at Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (JCSRS) from 5 pm to enjoy refreshments and to connect with parents and staff. The formal notice of the PTA AGM (see below) lists the transaction of business for the meeting.
Item 4 of business is:
To elect Committee members and nominate School Council Parent Representative.
All parents of JCSRS are automatically members of the JCSRS PTA. Should you wish to nominate yourself to be a Parent Representative on the PTA, please complete the Nomination Form attached by Friday the 22nd of September. The position of Parent Representative serves a one-year term on the PTA. Each year parents wishing to be a parent representative on the PTA, whether existing PTA Parent Representatives or not, need to complete the Nomination Form and return to the school by Friday 22nd September if you wish to be considered for this position.
The PTA Committee consists of: |
Principal Member, Ex Officio Office Bearers
8-10 Parent Representatives 1-3 Teacher (and/or Therapist) Representatives |
I will be stepping down from my position as PTA Chairperson and Shuk Ting Chan (Suki) will be stepping down from her position as Honorary Treasurer this year. On the nomination form, you are asked to tick the position that you wish to be nominated for. If we have more than one candidate nominated for any of the office bearer positions, or if there are more than 10 parents wishing to be parent representatives on the PTA, then we will need to have a vote at the AGM.
I would like to thank you all for your support in my role as Chairperson. I have greatly valued your input and support. Wishing you all the very best for the academic year ahead.
Yours Sincerely,
Jockey Club Sarah Roe School
Parent Teachers Association Limited
(“the Association”)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Association will be held at 2 Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Hong Kong on Wednesday 27th September 2023 at 5:30 p.m. for the transaction of the following business:
To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous AGM held on 24th October 2022.
To receive the audited accounts and the reports of directors and auditors of the Company for the year ended 31st July 2022.
To appoint the Auditors for the 2023-24 financial year and fix their remuneration.
To elect Committee members and nominate School Council Parent Representative.
To transact any other business.
Date: 15th September 2023
By Order of the Committee
Megan McCoy
PTA Chair
A form of nomination is attached herewith for nomination of a person to be elected as a Committee Member.
Such nominations should be made by the attached nomination form which should be delivered to the PTA at its registered office at 2B Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Hong Kong by Friday 22nd September.
The world is rich with diversity, which is reflected in the observances celebrated by its various cultures and populations. We hope that knowledge of the holidays and celebrations for diversity in this calendar can enhance our school's diversity and inclusion efforts.
15-17 September | Rosh Hashanah |
16 September | Disability Awareness Day |
18-24 September | International Week of the Deaf |
21 September | International Day of Peace |
22 September | International Day of Sign Languages |
23 September | Bi Visibility Day |
26 September | Yom Kippur |
26-27 September | Eid Milad-un-Nabi |
29 September | Sukkot begins |
29 September | Mid-Autumn Festival |